I remember the night Roger was born because Dad had set a tent up in the yard for Kenny and i to sleep in. As an extra special treat we had ice cream bars...captin Crunch bars to be specific, I can still taste it. Being the light and imaginative sleeper that I am, I went in the house only a few hours after bed time, and Dad went out with Kenny. I slept fine once in the house, but when I got up in the morning, Mom wasn't in her bed. I started going down the stairs but stopped before completing my trip because there on the sofa was a witch wrapped up in our afgan. I stood watching the witch for a while, frightened and not sure what to do. What did this witch do with my Mom? I thought I'd quietly sneak out of the house and go to the tent to see if Kenny and Dad were ok, but the squeaky floor boards gave me away and the witch turned over and woke up! Okay, so it wasn't a witch. It was Grandpa who had come over in the middle of the night when Mom went into labor. I was pretty excited about this because this ment we were getting a new baby and because I was going to go stay with Fred and Rosie for a week. I had lots of fun staying with them and everything was swell until Mom and Dad came to pick me up. I was riding on a tractor with Fred and he stopped the tractor when the family. He got down and started to walk away, (or so I thought,) I was so excited I decided I'd get down all by myself, which I did by placing my bare feet on an extemely hot tail pipe. Yeah, that hurt . I burned the bottoms of my feet pretty bad and have vague memories of not being able to walk, keeping my feet in water and lathering them up with Solarcane when I went to bed. I also remember being so happy to have baby Roger!
I don't have a solid memory of Rogers birth, just a few snipets.I remember setting up the tent and sleeping with Dad in the tent and waking up with Pappy in the tent. After that I don't remember anything till picking up Tricia and her burning her foot. I dint even realize that those two events were connected.Love you Tricia, Thanks for the post
Kenny Boy
Do you remember naming Roger? You also came to the hospital with Grandma Edna the day I came home. You were so happy to see us. I was in a wheelcahir holding Roger, you came running down the hospital hall to greet us with big tears in your eyes. I will always remember that hug! You were never jealous of baby Roger just very proud. Your proud Mom loves you. xx00
I remember naming Roger and the trip to the hospital. Ive found that some memories just need a little kick start.
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